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A symposium on how to create policy change, drawing on advice from those with extensive experience working on climate change, the Minnesota Dream Act, and marriage equality.

November 6, 2013, 7:00 p.m. | Sateren Auditorium, Charles S. Anderson Music Hall

Three panelists will speak about their experience working for policy change.

KATE KNUTH runs the Boreas Environmental Leadership Program at the University of Minnesota’s Institute on the Environment. Knuth is a citizen member of the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board and served three terms in the Minnesota House of Representatives.

JUVENTINO MEZA is a founding member of NAVIGATE, a network of immigrant youth and allies seeking to widen the path to higher education for immigrant youth. Meza recently worked as a program assistant at the Citizens League.

SENATOR SCOTT DIBBLE became the third openly gay legislator to serve in the Minnesota Legislature in 2000. After serving one term in the House, Dibble ran for State

Senate in 2002 where he is now serving in his third term.