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Homemade: A Window into Student Life

homemadeAugsburg’s student-run web site, called “Homemade,” has been attracting a lot of student participation. Homemade is complete with entertaining videos (almost entirely filmed by Ben Katz), photos full of recognizable faces, and regular student bloggers featuring El Mismo Luis, Joe Finstrom, and Evelyn Tsen — among others.

Homemade was created with the purpose of showing prospective students what Augsburg is really like, from a student’s perspective.

“Our central point is to show people what life is like here at our wonderful school. We try to illustrate both the good and the bad while maintaining a level of respect for the community,” says Quinn Spencer, a Homemade student editor. “We (the Homemade team) have put a lot of effort into making sure that the Augsburg community is represented by the people that make it a community: the students.”

The web site began last year as a collaborative effort between Admissions, the Office of Marketing and Communication, and Information Technology, yet it has remained student-driven from its inception.

The Homemade web site can be found at If you are interested in adding video, music, or photos of your own, contact Quinn at

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