Steven Manderscheid


CB 144
612-330-1150 (MAL office)

Steve has 18 years’ experience and a diverse background working on organization and leadership development initiatives in a variety of industries. He has been a full time organization development professional in business for 15 years and is also a consultant and full time scholar/practitioner. He has worked and traveled in 23 countries.

Steve enjoys partnering with and coaching leaders at all levels to deliver practical and high impact organization development solutions. He conducts research and has published in the areas of leadership transition, strategic management, and succession planning. His dissertation was selected as a finalist for the American Society for Training and Development 2006 Dissertation Award.

Steve is a member of the editorial review board for the journal Advances in Developing Human Resources. He has presented his research in leadership development in China, England, France, and Malaysia.

“I strive to create a quality learner-centered experience. Quality includes being responsive to learner needs, adhering to academic excellence and university standards, meeting the needs of society and the world of work for a skilled and learning oriented workforce, and striving for creative and continuously improving content. Furthermore, I believe in treating adult learners with respect, providing instruction that is responsive to differing learning styles, and creating flexibility to allow for individual differences and needs.”


B.S. St. Cloud State University

M.A. University of Minnesota

Ed.D. University and St. Thomas