Tara Mader

Assistant Professor

CB 313


  • BS Biology, Biomedical Emphasis with Chemistry Minor – U of WI River Falls, College of Arts and Sciences, 2003
  • MA  Kinesiology, Exercise Physiology Emphasis – U of MN, College of Education and Human Development Twin Cities, 2011
  • PhD Rehabilitation Science, Integrated Biochemistry and Physiology emphasis, U of MN Medical School Twin Cities, 2017

Course Responsibilities

  • HPE 104 (Components of Fitness Training)
  • HPE 205 (Introduction to Health, Physical Education and Exercise Science)
  • BIO 130 (Human Anatomy and Physiology)

Educational and Research Interests

  • Exercise as Medicine
  • Impacts of Disease and Aging on Musculoskeletal health and function
  • Learning Assessment and Evaluation
  • Interdisciplinary Course Design
  • Active Learning Strategies in Science and Exercise